My name is Joe. I'm a writer. I'm a gay man. I'm an American. I'm a lot of things, some days more than others. I'm not going to pretend that millions of people are reading this. Hell, I'll be happy if one or two people pay attention to the randomness of my thoughts.
Off Topic is a blog dedicated to whatever catches my fancy. Some days I might write about flowers. Other days I might write about relationships. As a writer, I'm interested in anything and everything. Some days I might awe you with my depth. Other days I might bore you with my inanity.
Above all, I appreciate feedback. If you agree, disagree, or don't even give a shit, I like to hear about it. The purpose of this blog is to stimulate the thought process more than anything else. If something I write outrages you, tell me about it. If something I explain doesn't make sense or is inaccurate, please let me know. Just be warned: I am very open-minded, but I don't tolerate inappropriate rudeness or arguments with no reasoning.
Lastly, for anyone that is reading, thank you for your time and tolerance.
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